Cat vaccines now safer and more pure

posted: by: CB Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

As of December 2019, Fountain City Vet has revamped their cat vaccination protocols to the safest practice available. 
We now carry Purevax vaccinations made by Boehringer Ingelheim. This is the same trusted company that makes products like Heartgard and Nexgard. All of our cat vaccines, (upper respiratory, leukemia, and rabies), are now Purevax brand and will be given annually.
Why the switch?:
Studies and standards from the American Association of Feline Practitioners have recently discovered that it is not the frequency that can lead to vaccine issues in our cats, it's the type of vaccine and what is in it.
Although rare, cats can develop a cancerous lump from a vaccine called a fibrosarcoma. It used to be thought that it was from frequent vaccination, but the reality is it has everything to do with the ingredients in the vaccine. Our new Purevax vaccines are non-adjuvanted, which means there are no additives, it is pure vaccine.
We are very pleased to bring this technology and level of safety to our feline friends!